Global Projects for Peace’s principal mission is to create a world at peace, with all nations unified in happiness, prosperity, invincibility and perfect health, supporting the rich diversity of our world family.

We will fulfill this mission by working in five main areas:

1. To promote the knowledge and experience that life is fundamentally peaceful, by
a) Teaching Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques.
b) Training and maintaining peace-creating groups in every country.
c) Providing educational and related facilities for these groups to serve as centers of peace.
d) Promoting and supporting Consciousness-Based Education with Transcendental Meditation in schools and universities.

2. To promote a disease-free society with the preventive techniques of Maharishi Ayur-Veda, by
a) Training Maharishi Ayur-Veda doctors,
b) Opening Maharishi Health Centers and colleges.

3. To promote nourishing food through sustainable organic agriculture.

4. To promote healthy, fortune-creating architecture.

5. To create a base for a more balanced and prosperous world economy.