General Donation to Global Projects for Peace


Single Unrestricted Donations

Your unrestricted donation will be used in a project where it is most needed.


Restricted donation

Can’t find the project or country you want to support?

Please make your donation with the "Donate Now!" button below and send us an email (contact-us ) describing what project or country you would like to make a donation towards.

Regular monthly unrestricted donation

A monthly donation to Global Projects for Peace is a very effective way to make a real, consistent difference in the lives of the people we serve, while simultaneously contributing to the creation of permanent world peace. You can arrange this through your PayPal account. (If you do not already have one, it is easy to set up, and you can easily cancel or change the amount of your donation as needed.)


 Gift in Honor Of

Two giftsExpand your donation into two gifts--one to the project or country of your choice and one to a friend or relative--by donating in honor of the friend or relative! Download a PDF or MS Word Donation Certificate for your honoree.