Ideal Girls High School, Uganda

Quality education for African girls



Quality education for girls can break the cycle of poverty. Education for girls means

  • Healthier, longer lives for mothers
  • Healthier, better-educated children
  • More and better jobs for women
  • More prosperity for the nation

 Ideal Girls High School (IGHS) was founded in 2008 as the first Consciousness-Based school for girls in Africa. Our school gives non-sectarian, quality education for girls. We are in Mbale District in eastern Uganda.

Most of the students at Ideal Girls High School come from poor backgrounds in Uganda and Kenya. Their families survive on subsistence agriculture.

Uganda is one of the poorest countries in the world. And it is one of the hardest hit by AIDS.

IGHS gives these girls the opportunity to excel.

IGHS class

Girls develop their consciousness and creativity through practicing the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique.

They have a balanced program of academic disciplines, arts, and recreation.

sports at IGHS t


The girls are happier and make friends more easily in this school. Relief from stress and the emotional effects of past difficulties is one of the many benefits of the TM technique. With TM they get more out of school.

They eat nourishing, organic food. You can be a hero. $10 buys a boarding student a week of meals.

One-time donation


Help change a life--

by sponsoring a student

each month

a day student...$20

a boarding girl...$38

Even $10 a month will help

Donate Now!

 The students are healthier because of their meditation. They get basic medical care as well.

The students radiate profound peace and harmony into the environment through their group meditation practice. They also have the opportunity to learn the more powerful advanced program that creates an even stronger effect of peace.

meditating 2

Students graduate with inner strength that provides a beautiful foundation for life. They are well prepared to contribute maximum to their society.

Success in exams

In Uganda at the end of Grade 10 students must pass a challenging national exam in order to enroll in the last two years of high school.

Since 2009, 92% of our students have passed this "O" level exam. Very unusual.

Why? Because IGHS accepts all students of any academic level. This very high pass rate marks IGHS as a highly successful Ugandan school.

The girls are very focused and deeply appreciate the opportunity to have an education. They know it will give them a much better life.

This successful development of IGHS students shows the power and quality of Consciousness-Based Education used at the School.

Popular performers

Our school is known in Mbale for students' creativity. The choir regularly performs at public events.

Sing and dance

Singing and dancing at the International Women's Day celebration


Safe way to school and events--the girls LOVE their bus!


Previously some of the non-boarding students walked up to two hours to and from school. A school bus was donated so these girls could have a safe, comfortable ride to school. You can be a hero. It costs just $10 for a day student to have a safe ride to school for a month.

The bus also takes them to sporting and academic events and to religious services.

All religions supported

IGHS is non-sectarian school. Students practise their own religions.

School staff go with the girls to their worship services: the Muslim students to the mosque on Friday evening, the Seventh-Day Adventist students to their church on Saturday, and the Catholic and Anglican students to their churches on Sunday.


How many students?


Whole school plus forgrnd girl 640x260105 students.  60 are boarding students. At present there is space to accommodate 200 more students at IGHS. We invite you to help IGHS grow and demonstrate the power of Consciousness-Based education for girls in Uganda. And bring harmony and peace to a region of our world that desperately needs it.

Current needs:

Scholarships for boarding students $38/month per student

Even $10 a month will help. $10 buys her a week of meals.

Computer lab $5000


One-time donation


Help change a life--

by sponsoring a student

each month

a day student...$20

a boarding girl...$38

Even $10 a month will help

Donate Now!

Do you know that...

MSSG chemistry class cropped

  • A girl who completes basic education is 3 times less likely to contract HIV.
  • Girls with 7 years of education will marry an average of 4 years later and have fewer children, reducing economic and ecological pressures.
  • The #1 cause of death for girls 15-19 is childbirth.
  • A child born to a literate mother is twice as likely to survive past the age of 5.
  • Educated mothers are more than twice as likely to send their own children to school.
  • A girl with an extra year of education typically earns 20% more as an adult.
    [Statistics complied by Girl Rising and Day of the Girl]

    Thank you for your support.