Nepal Peace-Creating Schools

NepalStudent 145x145Several schools in Nepal have incorporated Consciousness-Based education into their curriculum--including a military academy. The young "warriors" are proud to be protecting their country by generating peace.

Dhammajarinee Witthaya Girls' School, Thailand

DWGS photo 145x145This free Thai boarding school, run by Buddhist nuns, provides a safe home and quality education to orphaned and other disadvantaged girls who would otherwise be vulnerable to a life-time of poverty or prostitution.

EDAPO Primary School,Uganda

Group of EDAPO orphans with caretaker 145x145Global Projects for Peace supports EDAPO primary school that provides food,Consciousness-Based Education, and basic medical care to more than 600 children orphaned by HIV/AIDS.

EDAPO Students to Secondary School,Uganda

TM SHIDI S89 EDAPO orphans are old enough for secondary school which costs $450 a year for each. Please help them receive a full education to succeed in life.

Ideal Girls High School, Uganda

MSSG Uganda student 145x145This school serves an area of Uganda that previously had no good non-sectarian schools for girls. The Consciousness-Based educational approach brings joy and opportunity to these girls and their communities.

Institute for Excellence in Africa (IEA)

Ghana conf for Traditional Kings 145x145The Institute for Excellence in Africa coordinates seed projects and planning conferences for Consciousness-Based approaches to African educational, economic, and cultural development.


Invincible Ukraine Initiative

Kiev StMichael churchThis project supports a group of advanced meditators to practice the TM and TM-Sidhi programs full time together in Kiev, generating much-needed coherence--for peace, progress, and prosperity in Ukraine.

Maharishi Towers of Invincibility

MTI SOH DonationThe Maharishi Towers are a gift of perfection in all areas of life, providing the knowledge to awaken the full potential of creativity,intelligence, and bliss

Middle East Peace Project-West Bank 

Jerusalem with sun 145x145Conflict has long been endemic in the Middle East. Global Projects for Peace supports the establishment of a peacemaking group in the West Bank that take a deeper, Consciousness-Based approach.

Middle East Peace Initiative-Turkey 

Middle East Peace Initiative sThe Middle East Peace Initiative in Antalya Turkey is generating positivity, coherence and harmony in the collective consciousness of Turkey and the Middle East through Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology.

Latin American Peace Project (LAPP)

Mayan Site 145x145Global Projects for Peace supports the establishment of Peace-Creating communities in Latin America.


African TTC

Nandi Hills Teacher with StudentsTeachers of Transcendental Meditation are needed in 35 African countries. Help support their Training. Teacher Training Courses are costly for Africans — most need at least $3500 extra to cover their costs. Any amount will help to give every country a teacher of this powerful technique.

Silence the Violence— Israel

 Gaza Border Planting - KKL JNF – Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael Post-traumatic stress and anxiety are an ongoing reality for those living in Southern Israel near Gaza. This project aims at healing the trauma and promoting health through the group practice of TM.

Support STV Israel