Maharishi Tower of Invincibility MTI title picture 06  Inner Happiness, Outer Success, and World Peace – Discover The Maharishi Tower of Invincibility

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A Life-Enriching Experience
The Maharishi Tower Of Invincibility
The Maharishi Towers of Invincibility are buildings displaying the world’s most 
universal, timeless, and practical life knowledge.
Here, visitors can learn in a fun and interactive way about ‘the laws that govern the universe
and discover their easy application for progress in life.
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Activate The Intelligence Of The Universe
In 12 Key Areas Of Life
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A Planetarium Unlike Any Other
 From the Big Bang to the present day, from smaller than the smallest, to bigger than the biggest –
the Maharishi Tower Planetarium Show reveals our link to the  cosmos!
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Towers Around The Globe
The world’s first Maharishi Tower is already rising at Maharishi European Research University (MERU) in Vlodrop, Holland.
Similar towers are planned for every country.
We invite you and visitors from all nations to experience and support the first Maharishi Tower –
a monument to peace and prosperity.
MTI towers around the globe
Every Drop Counts
Now is your chance to support the world's first building dedicated to knowledge for world peace
and the full development of mankind.
We gratefully welcome  your donations and support to make this project happen.
Thank you for helping make the world a better place.


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